Canvas art "Shower of Flower"

paint the skin 😀

paint the hair 😉

Clothes & background 🎀

Paint a line & eye 🎨

Paint a Flower 🌸

:.+*:.+*:.+*   Completion  *+.:*+.:*+.:

2017 "Shower of Flower"
Acrylic paint on Canvas.

23 3/4" x 28 3/4" in 
Price - $1,200

The Shower of Flower which dyes the ordinary landscape pink was made a picture :)

You can buy the picture online from the gallery

Sweet Pink Art Show 
02/18 - 03/11 Q Pop gallery
319 E 2nd Street, Unit 121, Los Angeles, CA 90012

I can not go, so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's photos.
Please enjoy and remember to take some pictures for me ;)

My painting was stopped by the customs in Los Angeles for several days,
For that reason I could not make it in time for the opening.
The picture finally arrived at the gallery on 02/22.
I am sorry I was delayed.

I was surprised to think that the picture was missing! 😰
It was really nice to arrive at the gallery safely! 😭
Please come and visit everyone. 😊

Thank you ! 😊💕

:.+*:.+*:.+*  Making the video *+.:*+.:*+.:


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