Canvas art “I am free.”

💫 Paint the skin 💫
Because person are small this time, do not use masking tape 😳

💫 Paint the clothes & background 💫
I could draw a cute ribbon 💕

💫 Paint the hair 💫
Blue, pink and gray three color hair color 😉

💫 Paint the line 💫
The line this time was thinner and harder than usual.
It took five days.💦

💫 Paint the hand 💫
The blurred portion of this picture is a complex paint 💦

💫 Paint the white 💫

💫 Paint the eye 💫

💫 Paint the glitterg 💫

:.+*:.+*:.+*   Completion  *+.:*+.:*+.:

Madoka Kinoshita 2018 Canvas art “I am free.”  
Acrylic paint on Canvas. 
Size - 23 6/7" x 31 5/8" in . Price - $1,400

The production period of this canvas was one month.
Because girls are so small this time I almost did not use masking tape.
I want to paint more freely without being bound by someone's rule or my own rule 😌
I painted this canvas with such feelings. I am free 😃

(I'm sorry, my English is not good)

Thank you sold out!

:.+*:.+*:.+*  Making the video *+.:*+.:*+.:


Luxx Press said…
You're a good artist!
Anonymous said…
thank you for sharing your process!!
it looks lovely, the blurrying was a good idea.
could you share the kanji for that net you use for blush? you call it BOKASHI-AMI in your tool section, but it doesn't translate back to japanese.
thank you.
Luxx Press said…
Such a great artist!

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